Let’s talk about this super secretive method that many have heard of but few have had experience with: the Mother Slave method. The mother slave method is known by many names including the mother-child method, the fan page method, and the DM method. They are all one and the same. The mother-slave method is without a doubt the best way to grow an Instagram page with super-targeted, highly engaging, and real followers. It is by all means far superior to the giveaway growth method, and you’ll soon find out why.
The Mother-Slave Method Explained
Here is how it works. We start with wanting to grow an account of ours. We’ll call this the mother account. For instance, let’s say you want to grow your travel blog on Instagram. It’s a page all about your travels. You’ve got a couple of hundred posts and a few thousand followers. At the same time, you know of many accounts in the same niche as you that have hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of followers. All you want in this life is to have the followers that your competitors have.
I mean, it should be an easy task. These audiences are already following travel pages, which means they are into travel content. You have exactly that. If only there were a way to reach out to all those people and tell them about you! You may have the best and most unique content out there, but, if no one is seeing it, it’s of no good, isn’t it? So – how do we get people who are already interested in this niche, to give your page a look?
Enter ‘slave’ accounts. All we need is a couple hundred or thousand accounts on Instagram that we can automate to send out DMs to all the target audiences about you. Let’s imagine for a moment that you had a small army of 1000 IG accounts that you could control with a click. In other words, you can make a command for these 1000 accounts to send out DMs to a list of users, and well, they do it! And these are your slave accounts.
If you haven’t guessed already, this method involves sending mass DMs to highly targeted profiles with a simple introductory text. It can be as simple as: ‘Hey! I just came across your profile and see that you follow a bunch of travel pages. I wanted to share with you @motheraccount and think you’d like their content. Cheers!’
And there you go, that’s all there is to the method.
How Do I Make this Setup?
And that is the complicated part. To have thousands upon thousands of slave accounts, you’d need a custom bot where you can log in to all these accounts and control them. For each account, you’ll need a registered email and phone number. And finally, for each account, you’ll need to have a unique proxy. Unless you’re a code ninja with years of experience playing around with IG API – it’s best to outsource this work to marketing agencies that have the setup already.
For example, at Fresh Engagement, we have approximately 1 million accounts that we can use to send out DMs. We can send out up to 10 million DMs a day. As of now, we have grown multiple clients from 0 to 1 million in a matter of months. And that is with highly targeted, engaging, and organic followers, of course. 🙂
The Process of Fan Page Method
The fan Page method is simply another term for the mother-slave method. Instead of naming your accounts as ‘slaves,’ you can choose to call them ‘fan’ pages. In this analogy, the fan pages are going around and promoting you. Let’s get into the process of how this method works and what all you need.
For starters, you’ll need an account that you can actually grow. In other words, an account that has at least 50-100 posts. A few thousand followers. And a great aesthetic. People would rather follow profiles that have 10k followers than a profile that has 500 followers. People will definitely convert more to a profile that looks aged and has dozens of quality posts than follow a profile with just 10 posts. You get the point.
Social proof is the key. It is imperative that your profile has the perfect DP, the perfect bio, an amazing feed, and a decent number of followers before you begin the mother slave method. If your profile is not up to standard, you’ll end up with a poor conversion rate. It does not harm to buy 10k fake followers to add a good amount of social proof. The higher the social proof a profile has, the better the conversion. As an example, a verified profile converts much better than a regular profile. So, this is the first step. Prepping your profile.
Finding your targets. By targets, we mean profiles that are of the same niche as you but have a large audience that is highly engaging. Let’s say you are a travel influencer with a great page. You’re bound to know many travel pages that have a huge number of followers and have a great engagement rate. It is imperative to find target profiles with great engagement, lots of comments, and lots of interaction. As that is what you want at the end of the day. Engaging followers! In this step, you find out 5-10 profiles with large audiences (100k to 1m each) in the same niche as you and have a great engagement rate! And these are your targets.
In this step, we formulate a couple of DM text templates. It’s a great idea to have 2-3 unique text messages. In this way, we can test different messages and see which one provides the best conversion. Continuing from our example from above, let’s say you’re a travel influencer and with that in mind, let’s create a few DM text messages.
MESSAGE A: Hey! I noticed you follow many travel pages and wanted to share my friend’s profile @motheraccount. Cheers!
MESSAGE B: Hiya! You seem to keep up with travel. Check out this page @motheraccount; I think you’ll love it. Thanks!
And in this step, we formulate a couple of DM text templates that we can use.
And here comes the tasks that the agency manages and their code ninjas undertake. In this step, the service provider would typically scan all the followers of your target profiles and compile them into a list. Next, this list will be filtered for profiles that do not have a DP or profiles that have not been active in the last 30 days. In doing so – we will have a list of profiles that are active and probably engaging.
As an example, let’s say one of your targets is @lostleblanc. The service provider will scan all the followers of this profile and remove ones that are inactive to have a list of targets that are active and likely to engage.
Let’s quickly go through all the steps thus far. First, we have prepped our own profile (the mother account). We’ve made sure it has a good bio, a great aesthetic, and a good deal of followers and posts. Second, we have made a list of target profiles of competitors in the same niche with lots of engaging followers. Third, we have formulated a couple of DM message templates. And finally, we have filtered out all the followers of target profiles to get a list of recently active users.
And well, then comes the final step where we use the army of slave accounts to send out our DM text to hundreds of thousands of target profiles. Given that the messages reach people who are already following other accounts in the same niche, it is highly probable that they’d love to follow your account, provided you have quality content. And, most importantly, the people who get the DMs will first check you out and ONLY follow you if they really want to. In other words, unlike giveaway growth, the people following you here have no incentive to do so. They aren’t in it to ‘win’ some cash prize or an iPhone – they are truly doing it because they love your account, and that would, in turn, translate to a great engagement rate.
Why We Hate Giveaway Growth
Circling from the previous point, the result you get from giveaway growth is nowhere comparable to the mother-slave method.
Firstly, in the giveaway method, everyone follows you without even checking your profile out. They are only following you to get a chance to win the giveaway.
Secondly, the people from the giveaway are highly likely to unfollow you later because they didn’t care about you or your content, to begin with. And this is why you’d always see a good 50% or more drop rate from the giveaway method. Meaning, for every 10k you gain, you’ll bleed out 5k over the few weeks after the giveaway is done.
Thirdly, it is highly likely that a large chunk of the followers you get are not even real profiles but an army of bots that are simply trying to win giveaways. It is not uncommon for third-world countries to have teams of individuals whose only job is to win these giveaways. And worst of all, the engagement rate you get out of giveaways is laughable at best. We’ve seen clients who’ve spent $15k on ‘celebrity’ giveaways get 80k followers overnight. Yet, they lose 30k over the next few weeks. And there is barely any uptick in their engagement rate. For businesses, this method gives you absolutely no ROI.
Drawbacks and Conclusion
It must be pointed out that the Mother-Slave method, while the best way to grow, does come with one small drawback. In an event where you’re sending out millions of DMs to target accounts, it is highly probable that from those millions of users, there may be a handful who are unhappy to get the DM. And this handful of users may DM you back complaining about it. It’s a small price to pay, in our opinion, as the only other alternative to this is either fake followers or, worse, giveaway growth.
For more information on our mother-slave service, please check our Bespoke Instagram Growth service.
Until next time!