Looking for fun, unique and creative Instagram username ideas? Well, you’ve come to the right place.
Instagram Username Ideas
Your username is how people (including your potential followers and customers) find you on Instagram, or any other platform for that matter. Not only is your username the first impression you give to your existing and potential followers, it can also make or break your Instagram page. Why? Well, here is the deal. A username that is easy, memorable and fun is one that sticks with the masses. Think of this. The Blonde Abroad. Now, that username checks all the boxes. Its easy to spell and remember. And, its fun. 🙂
Now – lets think of a username that goes like The_Blonde_Abroad. The same words but its no longer ‘easy’ to remember and search for. Why? Imagine a follower of this page talking about it to their friends in a conversation over coffee. ‘You should check out the underscore blonde underscore abroad, her content is really cool.’ Do you see how complicated the same thing has just become?
So – in this guide we are going to share with you ideas to come up with your own easy to spell, memorable and fun Instagram username! Let’s go!
Instagram Username Combinations
There are a variety of formats you can come up with to come up with the right combination of letters and characters for your username. For example –
- Prefixes – this is when you add a prefix to your username. For example, if you are a brand named Sonorus, and if that username is taken, you could go for @wearesonorus. The ‘we are’ would be the prefix.
- Suffixes – this is when you add a suffix to your username. Circling to the same example above, you could have the username as @sonorusUSA or @sonorusaudio
- Underscores – we are really not a big fan of this because this makes your username hard to spell out. In this case, our example would be @sonorus_
- Periods – again, not something we are a fan of BUT this can work with some profiles. Example – sonorus.audio
- Numbers – a big no! Imagine having a username like @sonorus1 while your actual brand name is ‘sonorus’
- Mix – and this would be a mix of multiple ideas listed above. For example: @sonorus.audio_
The Recipe for a Great Instagram Username
Let’s get to the fun part. How do we come up with creative and fun Instagram ideas? As discussed above, we have to stick wtih a few points. Firstly, the username should be easy to spell. Secondly, it should be memorable. And finally, it should be fun and exciting (if possible). So, how do we do this? Let’s think of this based on what the page would be about.
Personal Profile Instagram Username Ideas
It goes without saying, your username should be easy enough for people to find you. If you have a personal account where your primary followers would be your friends, family and co-workers, then a username that includes your name in some way would be the best fit. Let’s say your name is ‘Alex’. How do we come up with ideas for this username?
First, we can think of a variety of name combinations. Example – using a first and last name as a username. So, in this case, it would be @alexdunphy. Second, we could always add a suffix or prefix to the username. But, wait, what would the prefix or suffix be about? Typically – this would be something that you are known for. Something you love to do – your talent or your happy. For example, we could have @alexthebaker or @alexthedummer. Additionally, if we are talking about prefixes, we could have @itsmealex or @mynameisalex.
In conclusion, you could either do a combination of your name. Or, you could go with a prefix or suffix based on your interests. These combinations would be most ideal for personal profiles.
Yes, you could come up with someone super funky and creative. But, wouldn’t that just defeat the purpose? Your aim is for people to find you easily. And, this is the way to do it. Unless, you are a content creator, which comes next.
Blogger, Content Creator and Influencer Username Ideas
And, this is when you are a bit serious with your Instagram page. You don’t just want to keep up with your friends and family. Your aim is to build an active following. You have something that you want to share with your audience. Maybe you’re a photographer – or – perhaps you are a make-up artist. Instagram for you, is your showcase of your work. It’s serious!
In such a case, the sky is the limit. Your audience is not just your friends and family. The whole world is your audience. And, this is where you have to be more focused towards being ‘fun’ and ‘catchy’. You’d want a name is easy to spell, easy to remember and always sticks with your audience. The easier the name is to remember and spell, the easier it will be for people to talk about you.
So, what would be the best name to come up with for content creators? Well, first way would be to just use your name. If you want your personal name to become the brand of your content, that works too. The other way, would be to focus on your niche and come up with a name that is fun and easy to spell. Let’s take a look at a few examples –
‘HudaBeauty’ is a combination of first name + niche. A simple and easy to remember name.Â
‘MommyDiaries’ is a descriptive name giving a quick insight into the niche of the page. Its most likely a daily blog related to pareting.Â
‘BakeWithRahul’ is a combination of niche + first name. We quickly understand that the page is related to baking – and its led by a person named ‘Rahul’.Â
Business & Brands Instagram Username Ideas
Lets talk about brands and business. Ideally, you’d want to have a username that exactly matches your domain name and/or trademark. You wouldn’t want to confuse the audience with a username that is different from your website or shop name. Additionally, it would be best if your usernames across all socials are consistent. This gives your brand a more professional look and feel. Lets say your brand name is ‘Sonorus’ and your website is www.sonorus.com. Great, right? Now, the ideal situation would be to have the name @sonorus across all socials – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and whatever is new at the time you’re reading this article. The not so ideal situation would be to have an inconsistent username across the web. Let’s say your site is sonorus.com but your Instagram is @sonorus_ and your Facebook is @wearesonorus. Yeah – doesn’t look good.
Got a username that you’d like but its taken and inactive? We can help you claim it with our username claim service. We provide username claim services for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
So – how about some ideas about brand usernames for Instagram? There are a few formulaes we can use for brand usernames if your desired username is already taken.
First – we can add a suffix of your location. For example, @SonorusUSA
Next – we could add a prefix of sorts. For example, @WeAreSonorus or @MySonorus
Finally – we could add a niche adjective to the name. For example, @SonorusAudio
Let’s take a look at a few examples, shall we?
Here we have a perfect example of brand name + location. Guess + USA = @GuessUSA
And, here we have an example of brand name + niche. AKG + audio = @AKGAudio
And there you have it, that’s how you come up with an easy and simple username for your brand. Again, remember. Choose clarity over cleverness. Your aim is for people to find you. Leave no room for confusion when its comes to your brand username.
Instagram Username Ideas for Travel
- name + in transit – example: @alexintransit
- name’s + journey – example: @juliasjourney
- name + travels – example: @jodytravels
- name + explores – example: @haileyexplores
- name’s + bucketlist – example: @monicasbucketlist
- niche + location – example: @thetravelingcanadian
- niche + description – example: @thewanderingcouple
- description + niche- example: @familyofnomads
- niche + description – example: @thenomadicfamily
- niche + project – example: @thetravelproject
Instagram Username Ideas for Food
- name’s + kitchen – example: @judyskitchen
- bake + name – example: @bakewithalex
- cook + name – example: @cookwithgordon
- eat + name – example: @eatwithchloe
- name + recipes – example: @joeysrecipes
- name + foodie – example: @nataliethefoodie
- location + foodie – example: @thecanadianfoodie
- dine + name – example: @dinewithmax
- niche + description – example: @thefoodranger
- niche + description – example: @heleneatsaroundtheworld
- name of food + name of food – example: @piesandtacos
- vegan + name – example: @meganthevegan
- description + name of food – example: @pinchofsalt
- name of food + description – example: @wineandwhine
- what’s for + name of food – example: @whatsfordessert
- where’s my + name food – example: @wheresmymeal
- name of food + diet – example: @thesugardiet
- homemade + name of food – example: @homemademuffins
- name + eats the world – example: @jennyeatstheworld
- food by + name – example: @foodbyjolie
Instagram Username Ideas for Fashion
- name’s + outfit – example: @judysoutfits
- ootd by + name – example: @ootdbyjamie
- name + wears – example: @rachelwears
- all about + clothing article – example: @allaboutboots
- name + description – example: @nicoleinhighheels
- description + trends – example: @ootdtrends
- stylist + name – example: @stylistalex
- name + design – example: @jenniferdesigns
- designed by + name – example: @designedbysophie
- clothing article + clothing article – example: @suitsandties
Cute Instagram Username Ideas
- name + blossoms – example: @nicoleblossoms
- everything + name – example: @everythingjulia
- pretty little + name – example: @prettylittleclaire
- name + sparkles – example: @robinsparkles
- sweet + alina – example: @sweetalina
- life of + name – example: @lifeofhannah
- name + life – example: @judyslife
- lovely + name – example: @lovelyjenny
- happy + name – example: @happysam
- inspired + name – example: @inspiredjamie
Dog Instagram Username Ideas
- name + breed – example: @dougthepug
- silly + name – example: @sillymax
- grumpy + name – example: @grumpydaisy
- sneaky + name – example: @sneakycooper
- fluffy + name – example: @fluffyluna
- cheeky + name – example: @cheekystella
- bark with + name – example: @barkwithmax
- name + woof – example: @maxwoofs
- name + cuddles – example: @lunacuddles
- pumpkin pie + name – example: @pumpkinpiedaisy
Instagram Usernames with an Attitude
- sassy + name – example: @sassycody
- classy + name – example: @classyjudy
- call me + name – example: @callmesarah
- just + name – example: @justsarah
- queen + name – example: @queenvictoria
- pretty + name – example: @prettylyna
- name + rockstart – example: @taylortherockstar
- clever + name – exmaple: @cleverstuart
- magical + name – example: @magicalnina
- lucky + name – example: @luckysteven
Remember – as long as you come up with a name that is easy to spell and remember, you’ve already won the battle. Go for clarity over cleverness, and you’d be golden! Feel free to use the formula’s above to come up with your own unique Instagram username idea.
Got a username that you’d like and its taken? Check out our username claim service from our menu!
Until next time! Stay safe!